Recent Water Damage Posts

Creating a Comprehensive Family Emergency Plan for Water-Related Incidents

6/7/2024 (Permalink)

Water-related emergencies can occur suddenly and without warning, posing serious risks to life and property. From floods and burst pipes to contaminated water supplies, having a well-thought-out family emergency plan in place is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones. In this blog, we'll outline the essential steps for creating a comprehensive family emergency plan specifically tailored to water-related incidents, empowering you to respond effectively and mitigate risks in times of crisis.

Step 1: Assess Potential Risks and Hazards

Begin by identifying potential water-related risks and hazards in your area, such as flooding zones, aging plumbing systems, and contamination sources. Research historical weather patterns, flood maps, and local emergency resources to gain a better understanding of the specific risks your family may face.

Step 2: Develop an Emergency Communication Plan

Establish a clear communication plan that outlines how your family will stay in touch during a water-related emergency. Designate an out-of-area emergency contact whom family members can call or message to provide updates on their status and whereabouts. Ensure that everyone knows how to reach this contact and has access to multiple communication methods, such as cell phones, landlines, and social media.

Step 3: Create an Evacuation Plan

Develop a detailed evacuation plan that outlines evacuation routes, designated meeting points, and transportation options in the event of flooding or other water-related emergencies. Identify safe locations where your family can seek shelter, such as higher ground, community centers, or emergency shelters. Practice evacuation drills regularly to ensure that everyone knows what to do and where to go in an emergency.

Step 4: Prepare an Emergency Kit

Assemble a comprehensive emergency kit containing essential supplies to sustain your family for at least 72 hours during a water-related emergency. Include items such as non-perishable food, water, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, blankets, and personal hygiene products. Customize your emergency kit to meet the specific needs of your family members, including medications, pet supplies, and baby care items.

Step 5: Safeguard Your Home

Take proactive measures to safeguard your home against water-related incidents, such as flooding and burst pipes. Install flood barriers, sump pumps, and backflow preventers to minimize the risk of water intrusion. Insulate pipes, repair leaks, and maintain your plumbing system regularly to prevent burst pipes and water damage. Keep gutters and downspouts clear of debris to ensure proper drainage away from your home's foundation.

Step 6: Stay Informed and Stay Calm

Stay informed about weather forecasts, flood warnings, and emergency alerts issued by local authorities. Monitor news updates and official channels for information on water-related incidents and evacuation orders. Remain calm and level-headed during emergencies, and follow the guidance of emergency responders and authorities to ensure the safety of your family.

Creating a family emergency plan for water-related incidents is essential for protecting your loved ones and minimizing risks during times of crisis. By assessing potential risks, developing a communication plan, creating an evacuation plan, preparing an emergency kit, safeguarding your home, and staying informed, you can empower your family to respond effectively to water-related emergencies and stay safe in any situation. Remember, preparedness is key to surviving and thriving in the face of adversity, so take the time to create a comprehensive emergency plan and ensure the safety and well-being of your family members.

Responding to Burst Pipes: Emergency Actions to Take

2/5/2024 (Permalink)

Burst pipes can quickly turn into a homeowner's worst nightmare, flooding properties and causing extensive damage. Responding promptly and effectively is crucial to minimize destruction and protect your home. In this blog, we will outline the essential emergency actions to take when faced with burst pipes, helping you mitigate the damage and initiate the restoration process.

Shut off the Water Supply

Locate the main water shut-off valve and turn it off immediately to stop the flow of water. This step is crucial in preventing further flooding and damage. Ensure that everyone in your household knows the location of the shut-off valve and how to operate it.

Turn Off the Electricity

Water and electricity do not mix. To prevent electrical hazards, turn off the power supply to affected areas. If you are unable to access the distribution panel safely, contact an electrician for assistance. Remember, safety should be your top priority in dealing with burst pipes.

Open Faucets and Drains

After shutting off the water supply, open all faucets to relieve excess pressure and allow any remaining water to drain out. This step can help minimize the potential for further damage and pipe ruptures. Additionally, if you have floor drains, remove any objects obstructing them to facilitate water drainage.

Collect and Remove Standing Water

Quickly remove any standing water to prevent it from seeping into walls, floors, and belongings. Use buckets, mops, or a wet/dry vacuum to extract as much water as possible. If the amount of water is significant, consider contacting a professional water damage restoration company equipped with specialized equipment.

Contact a Professional Restoration Company

Burst pipe incidents require the expertise of a professional restoration company like SERVPRO to handle the cleanup and restoration process effectively. Their trained technicians will have the proper equipment, knowledge, and experience to efficiently mitigate the damage caused by burst pipes.

Document the Damage

Take photos and videos of the damage caused by the burst pipes. Document the affected areas, belongings, and any visible water-related issues. These records will be crucial for insurance claims and will help ensure that all damages are properly assessed and covered.

Prevent Further Damage

While waiting for the restoration professionals to arrive, take steps to prevent further damage. Place buckets or containers under leaks to collect dripping water. Use towels or rags to sop up excess moisture from furniture and other surfaces. Air out affected areas by opening windows or using fans to aid in the drying process.

Notify Your Insurance Provider

Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the burst pipe incident. They will guide you through the claims process and inform you of any necessary steps or documentation required.

Responding promptly and efficiently to burst pipes is essential in limiting the damage and protecting your property. By shutting off the water supply, turning off the electricity, opening faucets and drains, collecting standing water, contacting professionals, documenting the damage, preventing further damage, and notifying your insurance provider, you can effectively navigate the emergency situation and initiate the restoration process.

Restoring the Waves: A Step-by-Step Guide to Water Damage Restoration

10/3/2023 (Permalink)

Experiencing water damage in your home can be overwhelming, but knowing the step-by-step process of water damage restoration can help you navigate through the recovery process more efficiently. In this blog post, we will walk you through the comprehensive steps involved in restoring your property after water damage occurs, ensuring a thorough and effective restoration.

Emergency Response and Assessment

The first step is to contact a professional water damage restoration company as soon as possible. They will provide an emergency response and dispatch a team of experts to assess the extent of the damage. They will identify the source of the water and evaluate the affected areas to determine the appropriate restoration plan.

Water Extraction and Removal

The next crucial step is to remove standing water from your property. Using specialized equipment such as pumps, vacuums, and water extraction tools, the restoration team will efficiently extract the water from your floors, walls, and any other affected areas. The goal is to remove water quickly to prevent further damage and halt the progression of mold growth.

Drying and Dehumidification

After the removal of standing water, the drying process begins. Industrial-grade dehumidifiers and high-powered air movers are used to effectively dry out the remaining moisture in the affected areas. This step is crucial to prevent structural damage, mold growth, and the development of unpleasant odors.

Cleaning and Sanitization

Once the affected areas are thoroughly dried, the restoration team will clean and sanitize all surfaces, furniture, and belongings affected by the water. This includes removing any debris, sanitizing affected areas, and implementing mold prevention techniques. Professional-grade antimicrobial treatments may be applied to inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria.

Restoration and Repairs

The final step in the water damage restoration process is the restoration and repairs of any structural damage. This may include replacing damaged drywall, flooring, or furniture, as well as repairing any electrical or plumbing issues that may have contributed to the water damage. A reputable restoration company will have skilled craftsmen who can restore your property to its pre-damaged condition.

Continuous Monitoring

Throughout the restoration process, the professionals will monitor moisture levels to ensure that the affected areas are thoroughly dry and free from any residual moisture. This ongoing monitoring helps prevent further issues such as mold growth or recurring water damage.

Water damage restoration is a complex process that requires professional expertise and specialized equipment. By understanding the step-by-step process outlined above, you can better navigate the restoration journey and have peace of mind knowing that your property is being restored effectively. Remember to reach out to a trusted water damage restoration company promptly after experiencing water damage to ensure a swift and thorough recovery of your home.

Dealing with a Toilet Overflow - Steps to Take for Effective Cleanup

7/28/2023 (Permalink)

A toilet overflow can be a messy and stressful situation to handle. Whether it's due to a clog, a malfunctioning float valve, or any other issue, it's crucial to act quickly and effectively to minimize water damage and restore cleanliness. In this blog, we will guide you through the steps to take after a toilet overflow, helping you navigate the cleanup process and ensure a hygienic and safe environment in your home.

Stop the Water Flow

The first step is to stop the toilet from overflowing further. Locate the water shut-off valve near the base of the toilet and turn it off by turning it clockwise. This will stop the flow of water and prevent further flooding.

Before starting the cleanup process, put on gloves, protective clothing, and footwear to prevent contact with contaminated water and potential pathogens. It's important to prioritize your health and safety throughout the process.

Remove Excess Water

Using towels, mops, or a wet/dry vacuum, remove as much standing water as possible. Be careful not to spread the water to unaffected areas. Dispose of the water in a toilet or a sink that is not affected by the overflow.

Dispose of any items that have come into direct contact with the toilet water and are not salvageable. This may include rugs, bath mats, or other absorbent materials. Bag them securely and dispose of them according to local regulations.

Clean and Disinfect

Thoroughly clean and disinfect all surfaces that have been affected by the overflow. Use a mixture of warm water and mild detergent to clean the area. Then, apply a disinfectant solution or a mixture of water and bleach (1:10 ratio) to eliminate bacteria and odors. Pay special attention to the toilet bowl, floor, walls, and any other areas that may have been splashed or contaminated.

After cleaning, ensure the area is properly dried to prevent the growth of mold and mildew. Open windows, use fans or dehumidifiers and allow for adequate airflow. If necessary, use moisture-absorbent materials like baking soda or silica gel packs to expedite the drying process.

Inspect for Damage

Check for any signs of water damage to the walls, flooring, or cabinets. If you notice any discoloration, warping, or softness, it's essential to address it promptly to prevent further damage and potential mold growth. Consider consulting a professional if the damage is extensive.

Monitor the affected area for any signs of mold growth in the days following the overflow. Watch out for musty odors, visible mold patches, or any allergic reactions. If you suspect mold, consult a professional mold remediation specialist to assess and address the issue.

Prevent Future Overflows

Take preventive measures to minimize the chances of future toilet overflows. Avoid flushing excessive toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, or other items that can cause clogs. Regularly inspect and maintain your toilet and plumbing system to detect and address any issues before they escalate.

Dealing with a toilet overflow requires prompt action and thorough cleanup to prevent water damage, contamination, and potential health hazards. By following these steps and taking preventive measures, you can effectively manage the situation, restore cleanliness, and ensure the safety and functionality of your bathroom. Remember, if the overflow is severe or the damage is extensive, it's advisable to seek professional assistance to ensure a thorough and proper cleanup.

What do I do after a pipe break?

3/6/2023 (Permalink)

A pipe break is a frustrating, stressful, and expensive problem to have. Fortunately, it's also something that can be fixed. In the meantime, here are some things you can do to minimize damage and speed up the repair process.

Turn off the water supply to the pipe.

The first thing you need to do is turn off the water supply valve for your home or business. This will stop any further damage before it can happen and keep you from wasting money on unnecessary repairs that could have been avoided if you had turned off the valve earlier. It's important that you know where this valve is located, so take some time now and check all of your pipes for signs of leaking or damage. If there's no sign of leakage anywhere else in your home, then this may be an easy fix but if there are signs of leaks or flooding in other areas around town, contact a plumber immediately.

Turn off the power to any heating or air-conditioning equipment near the leak.

Turn off the power to any heating or air-conditioning equipment near the leak, turn off the circuit breaker controlling your home's electrical supply. If you cannot locate a circuit breaker, call an electrician to turn off electricity at its source.

Clean up as much water as possible

Clean up as much water as possible using towels or mop, but do not use a vacuum cleaner. You want to stay away from electricity when your home suffers from a water loss. Vacuum cleaners can cause more damage because they suck up the water and pull it into the motor of your vacuum, which will then overheat and burn out your machine.

Call your local plumber for help.

In the event that you do experience a pipe break, it's important to know how to handle the situation. It's important to call your local plumber for help. If you try to fix the leak yourself, you could end up making things worse. Not only does this save money by avoiding unnecessary repair costs, but it also prevents damage to other pipes in your home or business. If you have any questions about how best to handle your leaky pipe problem, contact SERVPRO today!

3 Reasons a Basement Floods and How To Prevent It

1/1/2023 (Permalink)

Three Causes of Basement Flooding and How to Avoid It

A flooded basement has happened to many a homeowner. Because basements are at the lowest level of your home and partially underground, they are especially susceptible to flooding. Should your basement flood, you can work with a water cleanup and restoration service, but there are several issues you can watch for and act to mitigate to prevent water damage to your home.

1. Plumbing Leaks
A leaking or burst pipe is one of the most common culprits of water in a basement. Often a leak can go undetected for some time, so regular inspection of this part of your home is essential, especially if your basement is not used regularly.

2. Faulty Water Heater
A malfunctioning water heater is another likely reason for flooding in a home. An old tank can corrode, causing gallons of water to gush into your basement. Proper maintenance and inspection can help prevent a faulty tank from creating a major problem. If your water heater is over 10 years old, consider purchasing a replacement.

3. Excessive Rainfall
If your basement is not properly sealed, excessive water from a storm could find its way into your home and cause a basement flood. Inspect your basement walls and foundation and seal any cracks to prevent water from leaking in. Be sure to monitor storm drains near your home and make sure they are free from debris that can cause them to back up.
Water damage is a common problem for homeowners and one of the top five types of insurance claims filed by homeowners. All basement floods are not equal, so be sure you know what is and is not covered in your homeowner’s insurance policy. A licensed plumber or home inspector in Creve Coeur, MO, can visit your home and assess your risk of a basement flood. Understanding the risks and the maintenance required to limit potential damage is a must-do for all homeowners.

What To Do If Your Washing Machine Leaks?

11/12/2022 (Permalink)

Washing Machine Leaks and What To Do

The washing machine is one of the most essential household appliances, so it’s no surprise that leaks can cause some serious damage. Water leaks are usually caused either by a faulty water hose or by a broken valve. Any leak in your home should be fixed as soon as possible to avoid further damage to flooring and walls. Here are some tips for fixing common washer problems and preventing future ones:

1. Inspect the Hoses

Check that there are no cracks or leaks in any of your washing machine hoses. Check for loose connections by simply pulling on both ends of each hose and making sure that it doesn't come off easily. If you see kinks, carefully straighten them out with a pair of pliers. Check for damaged hoses by running your hand along the length of each one to feel for rust or other signs of damage—a broken rubber washer can cause water to leak out during washing cycles, but these can usually be replaced cheaply at a hardware store. Leaks at the hose connections can also lead to flooding issues; if you notice any signs of leaking around where they attach to your appliance, look into replacing them before moving on!

2. Inspect the Water Shut-Off Valves

If your washing machine is leaking from the bottom, inspect the water shut-off valves. Make sure they are not leaking and check that they are connected properly. Check that they are not loose or broken.

3. Check for Loose Connections

If you suspect that the problem might be a loose connection, check to see that your hoses are properly connected and that they're not frozen. If there's any debris in the hose, try cleaning it out. If this doesn't work, you may need a new hose or a professional repairman to fix the leak.

4. Replace the Shut-Off Valves

Once you've checked the hoses and shut-off valves for leaks, it's time to replace them. If a hose is cracked or broken, you'll need to replace both of its ends in order to prevent another leak and potential flooding. (For example, if you have a double-hose washing machine with one hot supply line and one cold return line, replacing just one end of either line won't work.)

To replace a leaking shut-off valve:

  • Turn off the water supply at the main valve (if possible).
  • Unscrew the old shut-off valve from the faucet - take care not to let any water spill onto your floor!
  • Install new shut-off valves using thread sealant tape where needed; tighten screws until snug but don't overdo it because doing so could crack plastic parts inside your washing machine housing unit which could cause more damage down the road.

Act Quickly

If you suspect that your washing machine has a leak, the first step is to check the hoses and connections. If any of the hoses are damaged, replace them with new ones after shutting off the water supply valve at the main water supply line.

Replacing a defective shut-off valve can be a bit tricky, so it's best to call in an expert if you're unsure how to do it yourself. You may also need to repair any damaged walls or floors caused by leaking water as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage or injury to yourself or others in your home.

Water leaks can cause serious damage to your washing machine and the surrounding area. The best way to avoid any problems is by repairing the leak as soon as possible. If you are unable to fix it yourself, then contact a professional plumber who will be able to fix everything for you. If you have a water damage event in your Maryland Heights, MO Home, give SERVPRO of Northwest St. Louis a call! 

How You Can Prevent Water Damage in Your Home

9/1/2022 (Permalink)

Drying equipment placed on laundry room. Water cleanup in a home in Bridgeton, MO.

There is a popular expression that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and when it comes to preventing the appearance of water in home spaces where it has no place being, no truer words have ever been spoken. Here in Bridgeton, MO there are countless examples of homeowners having to hire a water damage repair company to perform cleanup from a broken pipe or a busted hose, yet if you keep an eye out for the signs of a problem by performing routine inspections and periodic maintenance, you can possibly avoid this costly path.

Steps You Can Take To Prevent Water Damage

To help in the prevention of water damage in the home, there are a number of things you should be regularly checking:

  • Ventilation systems, heaters, and air conditioners
  • Appliances
  • Whole-house plumbing concerns
  • Mold Growth

Water in a home is insidious insomuch as it can sneak into areas you cannot easily detect. A broken pipe cleanup is troublesome enough, but the slow leaks that are hard to spot can lead to damage that could already be quite substantial by the time the problem is finally found.

Check Appliances and Water Fixtures Regularly

You should check your heater and air conditioner twice a year to make sure they are working correctly. You should never see any water coming from these units. Appliances generally cause problems not so much because of the unit itself but rather a broken pipe or hose leading to the unit.

Bathrooms are an obvious location for water leaks because of all the fixtures in that room that use water. If home appliances and fixtures are leaking, mold growth can become a concern.

Things To Remember on a Daily Basis

You should always be on the lookout for any signs of water in home spaces where it does not belong. Even the smallest leak can be contributing to a much bigger problem beneath the surface, yet with some simple, regular maintenance, you can most likely avoid major water damage.

Why Does My Toilet Leak When I Flush?

8/15/2022 (Permalink)

Common Causes Of A Leaking Toilet

If you notice your toilet leaking when you flush, don’t put off the repair. Even a small bathroom leak can cause serious damage to your floor, subfloor, and more. Avoid costly water damage restoration and check for these common causes of a leaking toilet.

1. Loose Bolts
Try tightening the bolts that connect the toilet to the floor. Using a wrench, tighten each bolt a quarter-turn or less at a time, alternating between bolts. Be careful not to overtighten, as this can crack the bowl.

2. Cracked Tank
Hairline cracks can be difficult to see, especially if they’re located in an out-of-the-way place. Inspect your tank thoroughly for cracks.

3. Worn Flapper
The flapper is the rubber part inside the tank that lifts when you flush. To check your flapper, add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the tank and wait for ten minutes without flushing. If the color begins to appear in the bowl, the flapper isn’t working correctly and could be the cause of your leaking toilet. The flapper is inexpensive and easy to replace.

4. Faulty Supply Line
The supply line can leak at the connections, or along the length of the tube. Certain types of supply tubes are prone to developing pinhole leaks and tiny cracks as they age. Run your hands along the entire supply line. Any dampness is a sign of a leak in the supply pipe.

5. Dry Wax Ring
Over time, the wax ring that seals your toilet to the floor can dry out or crumble. If water is leaking from the base of your toilet, a faulty wax seal is likely to blame. Replacing this ring is not difficult, but you will need to remove the toilet to do so.
If you still can’t determine what’s causing your leaking toilet, contact a Fernridge, MO, plumber to investigate the issue. Always repair a bathroom leak as soon as possible, before it becomes a bigger problem.

When a Toilet Overflow Damages 2 Floors

8/2/2022 (Permalink)

Three Ways To Mitigate Water Damage

If your multi-story commercial building in Manchester, MO has sewer damage or a toilet overflow, chances are pretty good that the water has contaminated more than one floor. Since the polluted water is considered a category three liquid, common cleaners are not considered adequate to abide by OSHA standards. Contacting a certified water mitigation team is the best first choice in dealing with water intrusion. Here are three steps the professionals often use to mitigate the problem.

1. Water Removal

After turning off the water and contacting the sewage company, the team may try to identify the source of the water. Once the source is located and identified as a cracked toilet bowl, overflowing base, or damaged wax ring, the liquid is removed, and the drying process can begin. While the area is drying, an inspection of damage can take place, and signs of secondary problems can be found.

2. Tear-Out

Water from an overflowing toilet is sewer damage and considered black water. That means the area will need to have a tear-out of all carpet, padding, wet insulation, and water-soaked plasterboard. If the water damaged more than one floor, tear-out can often include two-floor structures, one ceiling, and sometimes multiple walls. The area is then left to dry using commercial fans and dehumidifiers.

3. Area Disinfection

Once the area damaged by the flooded toilet water is completely dry, deodorization and disinfectants can be used to bring the area up to OSHA standards. This can sometimes include treating the bare wood with a mold inhibitor in case fungus spores have attached themselves to the miniature cracks the water damage caused. After the area is thoroughly disinfected, a rebuilding and restoration team can begin work.

Sewer damage in a multi-floor commercial building can easily be dealt with by a certified water mitigation team. They can get the area repaired or restored quickly so that you can resume operations